Sunday, March 24, 2024

The backstory behind Leave Me Alone!!


Above, Di and Hubby Arne, at wedding...

left. Mike Jealous  Di is married,  Hold'g back tears n barely touches her that eve. for the 1st time...

Below. Di beautiful in Red dress   (MJ's fave color) She'd often wear red to let MJ know she was going 🏡with him that night...

There is a back story to LMA. One few ppl know about. LMA was penned in 1988 and released Jan. 1989.

If you read Moonwalk, MJ admits that LMA was about the media, but MORESO about a woman. It was a double entendre.  

Michael actually wrote Cheater, LMA and Dirty Diana following Diana leaving him around  1986 when Diana married another man (Arne Naess) Many ppl don't understand why MJ did not go stop the wedding. I will explain the reason..

Because in 1985, Diana actually SECRETLY wed Arne in Oct of 1985. in a private ceremony. By the time they had the official public wedding in feb. 1986, it was too late, for MJ to stop it.   This is why he did not bother to stop the official wedding or bother to go....

This is why all 3 songs were released as DD, Cheater and then LMA.  And why he chose that order. 

LMA was about THE AFTERMATH of Diana leaving. 

Here are the lyrics to the song.... MJ is talking To and About Diana coming back to Beg him to understand Why she did what she did. He does NOT want to hear her, and tells her to go away..

I don't care what you talkin' bout, baby
I don't care what you say!
Don't you come walkin' beggin' back mamaI don't care anyway
Remember that Diana is the ONLY woman MJ ever called Mama.  It's a sexually contorted term of endearment, which pays homage to the stronger party of the relationship.  ( Just like you hear women call their men Daddy/ big daddy etc)  Same thing. MJ also calls Diana Mama in sev'l songs:  Like the following:
DD..... Diana Mama! 
WDAN.... Hold on Mama! 
LMA...... Don't come beggin' back Mama!
TMIND.... I'm not Dreamin Mama!
IJCSLY......I just can't stop Mama! 
It's important to remember Diana is the ONLY ONE MJ  ever called Mama. This lets you know automatically, all those songs are for her, Along with a ton more... 

Time after time I gave you all of my money
No excuses to make
Ain't no mountain that I can't climb, baby
All is going my way

Michael gave Diana TONS of money, and always bought her very expensive gifts and took her to Paris to buy her 2 to 300.000 dresses. He gave her whatever she wanted but Later complained when she still did not marry him after spending Millions on her..
The Mountain lines refer to ARNE. He was an avid mountain climber, and after Di left MJ for him, Michael began putting Mountain lines in his songs, as a metaphor to tell Di, he would keep fighting for her. Such as the following:
1. LMA.... Aint No Mountain, that I can't climb baby- Don't you get in my way
2. BBM..... And for you I'll climb the mountain!
3. Spchl..... There's no mountain high I cannot climb- I'm humbled in your grace!
4. Fall Again.... We've left ourselves a mountain to be overcome! 
Again ALL Mountain songs are about Diana, and stealing her back from Arne ( (mountain is a metaphor for Arne) Who was the mountain climber Di left him for.. 

Who's laughing, baby?Don't you know(And there's the choice that we make)(And this choice you will take)Who's laughin', baby?
So just leave me alone(Leave me alone, leave me alone)Leave me aloneLeave me alone(Leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone)Leave me aloneStop itJust stop doggin' me around
There was a time I used to say, "Girl, I need you"But who is sorry now?You really hurt, you used to take and deceive meNow who is sorry now?You got a way of making me feel so sorryI found out right awayDon't you come walkin' beggin' I ain't lovin' youDon't you get in my way

MJ ALWAYs talked about needing her. The line about her hurting and deceiving him obviously refers her lies about marrying him, while taking millions in cash/gifts and not doing it... ( although she DID want to- she was too afraid of the backlash)
He also talks about her laughing at him, and hurting him. He says virtually same thing in GITM
where he says
You and your friends were laughing at me in town... Seems you get your kicks from hurting me.....
Part about don't you get in my way, '' was definitely about him deciding he HAD to move on, and he needed Diana to back off so he could grieve her, and possibly learn to be without her...

Stop itJust stop doggin' me around
Don't come beggin' meDon't come beggin'Don't come lovin' meDon't come beggin'I love you
I don't want it

This part refers to the argument they had when Di got back from her HM.  MJ telling her to go away because he was in so much pain and tired of it, He accuses her of dogging him around, and says . " Don't come Lovin me! Don't come beggin me1 and Diana is saying: 

"But I love you!" 

- MJ says:   "I don't want it!"  This is actually the argument they had upon her return..

 After Diana Left him, and went off with Arne,  Michael's family had taken him to the family compound to keep an eye on him. He was so distraught, they were worried. He couldn't stop crying, and he could hardly keep any food down. They tried everything to bring him out of his depressive state. They finally had to summon Minister Farrakhan to counsel him. ..

Shorty afterwards,  Diana came back from her honey moon. She went right to the family compound, where MJ was.  She asked for MJ, and Joe answered the door, and told her to go to hell, He slammed the door in her face, and Diana stood there crying.  Somehow MJ sensed she was there. He yanked open the door, and stared at her, his eyes blinking in disbelief. Then each other, and held on for dear life as they dissolved in tears. Then they left and went back to MJ's place and shut themselves in his rm, and stayed over a week.....

Sadly, MJ was drawn right back to her, and back in love again.... This is why his parents did not want him to See Diana....

So in a nut shell, LMA was him trying to shake her so he could move on. He no longer WANTED to be in love with her. But Sadly he could not break the Spell she had over him....

Anyway, His mom said his love for her was so deep, it was no longer healthy and it worried her, What do you guys think?....


MJdaking said...

Wow….so heartwarming and sad at the same time. It’s also said she wanted to manage MJ during this time and I wonder what was that about.
It’s also said that they slept together or should I say had “makeup xes” when Diana came from her honeymoon.

Taylor Sara said...

Yes. that's true. that's why they holed up in the room for over a week. they were having a honey moon of their Own. I don't know how her body stood up that that grueling punishment LOL...

back in the day, Diana wanted to manage him because he let her have so much control of his life, she thought she ran it! He wouldn't sign contracts and such until his atty AND Diana agreed with them. He called her before doing most things. He deferred to her on almost everything. When Joe wanted to burrow 100.000 thousand dollars, MJ told him, "I talk to Diana and see what she says"
Joe responded. "I knew you was gonna say that, You Pussy whipped Mother fucker!"

But Diana only approved 25.000 and Joe could not get MJ to go any higher, so he accepted it. A while later it came out that Joe only needed 25k to start his Rec label but he KNEW Di would only give him 1/4 and MJ would not go above what she said. So he outsmarted them lol....

But MJ was mad at her for her constant flirting and Using her beauty like a sword against helpless fools as he called it. So when she demanded to be his manager, he told her. She best learn to manage HERSELF first!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! You should do A breakdown on Diana’s song “heart don’t change my mind”

Their love story is so fascinating I would love if it was betrayed in Michael’s upcoming biopic I wish Diana had something to do with it

Taylor Sara said...

I agree. Their story def needs to be on the big screen. And it would force Diana to admit all before she passes away. I know MJ can't wait for her to pass and be in his arms again.... She's all he ever wanted..

Anonymous said...

What post are you planning to do next?

Taylor Sara said...

Not sure Anon... any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

The first time Mj and Diana had sex ( the time Diana took his virginity)

A breakdown on “heart don’t change my mind”.

A break down on “red hot rhythm and blues”.

The story behind gene and MJ’s feud over Diana Ross.

Taylor Sara said...

Are you hoping for a STORY form, or just a regular post?...

Anonymous said...

Not like a fictional story but a breakdown.

Anonymous said...

A regular post

Taylor Sara said...


Nancy said...

Well, we all know Diana was his first love Taylor, but I really think his second love was Lisa. I saw them and they looked pretty happy for awhile. I think you disrespect her by acting like ALL his love was for diana!

Anonymous said...

Chile he settled for Lisa but if Diana wanted to, it would’ve never been Lisa.

Taylor Sara said...

Nancy hon. Lisa was not even in the top 3. That was Diana / June/ and Stephanie Mills. He said multiple times, he LIKED lisa but not in love with her
.. Thats's it...

Anonymous said...

I wonder why was Diana crying when she was the one who hurt MJ?

Taylor Sara said...

Because she did not want to marry Arne. She knew in her heart, she loved MJ back, but the pressure was so high on her, + she had to think about her children. She was so depressed after her marriage she was drinking heavily and ended up in rehab!!! She was smiling for the world, and crying into the pillow (so to speak) Even the songs on Red hot album were sad and morose, because she wasnt' happy...

Anonymous said...

It is funny how she was a newlywed yet she was singing songs and heartbroken over her ex on an whole album and I think “heart don’t change my mind” is about him too which I would love for you to do breakdowns on.

I guess Diana’s marriage wasn’t cracked up to be.

Anonymous said...

Hi Taylor are you alright, how you doing?

Taylor Sara said...

I'm good. I'm working on a post now, it'll be up sometime tomor....

Anonymous said...
