Friday, August 26, 2016

Was she just sexing the king, or did she really love him?

This is what Ms Belinda Williams  (who knew MJ for 2 years ) had to say about his relationship with Diana, I disagree with her. She's suggesting that Diana was only using him, and sexing him and did not love him.. Read the following:
Belinda Williams, Knew Michael Jackson from 2007-2009
If someone kept telling you that they loved you and would one day marry you, but kept marrying other people, you wouldn't want to be with them either! But Michael was slow when it came to matters of the heart, it took so many years for him to finally say, enough. That's why they never ended up together. Michael was getting older with still no hope or sign of ever being married to her and he wanted children, he just gave up. But that's not to say that early on he didn't get mad about what she was doing because he did. She was working, and he was working even harder that she was, but when they did plan to be together it was always mainly for sex. they would go to a few functions together, But Michael always had a secret place where they could meet for sex, and he would fall for yet more lies from her. Michael said that she always tried to make him feel guilty for not understanding why things had to  be the way they were. That woman is crazy in my book, because if it had to be the way it was, then why keep a hold on Michael? Why didn't she just let him go so that he could find happiness with someone else? She didn't stop there, she would also ask Michael for favors, the one thing she didn't lack was nerve, and Michael would do it. Also it is well documented that they had feuds about different things, and they were not always work related, Michael was angry at how she was treating him, and would indirectly get back at her and make her look bad. He was Michael Jackson at his height, he was bigger than she was, and he won every time. I guess she forgot that her name didn't mean much when compared to Michael Jackson. People see their story as this wonderful love affair because of all the smiles for the cameras, when in reality it was one sided. The media even has the wrong story because of lies told by other celebrities and friends to cover up what was really going on. Many of them knew that Diana Ross had no intention of marrying him, he was young and didn't understand what was happening, while others stood by and watched it all play out. Poor Michael, he didn't stand a chance. She didn't go to his funeral claiming that she needed closure, NOT! She rarely talks about him if at all, she has even asked when doing interviews not to ask her anything about Michael. I don't know if she does now, but she hasn't in a long time. Maybe she will if she reads what I have written, and even then she'd only do it out of spite to show me up, that's the kind of person that she is. But in truth, Michael did not love her that way all of his life. He remained friends with her and liked her children, but that's it!....

Now what I find hard to understand is that if this lady only knew MJ for 2 yrs, how in the world can she speak so emphatically about anything in his life? How can she imply that Diana did not really love him, and used him, and only sexed him because she wanted 'things'? Now, I can tell, she thinks MJ was Diana's victim and she probably wants desperately to believe that bull about him forgetting Diana later on in life when he was unable to get Diana to marry him. But she is dead wrong! Diana was the love of his life ( he's said as much numerous times) and he NEVER was able to get her out of his system. In fact, his last album (04) had a love msg right on the the inset to her. saying (once again) how much he loved her and always would...It's clear by his words, actions, songs, and loving looks, that he loved this woman forever...And I honestly believe she loved him too, but I know she was being harassed alot because of the age difference... What do you think?